General Treatments
Composite (Tooth-Colored) Fillings
These fillings are used to restore cosmetic appearance or function in anterior and posterior teeth that have lost substance due to caries. Dental composites are a mixture of plastic, acrylic, and fine particles of glass. Special adhesives are used to bind these composite fillings to dental tissues. Unlike amalgam fillings, composite fillings do not require the removal of a lot of tooth substance. The acid used for dental etching may rarely cause chemical burns on the tongue or lips. They are not as resistant to biting forces as amalgam fillings. Although they are tooth-colored, they may not always match the natural color of the tooth one hundred percent. These fillings last 4-6 years on average. They may become discolored by smoking, drinking coffee, etc. After the intervention, there may be some pain or tenderness which can last for a while. Inadequate oral hygiene can produce more cavities around the margins of the filling. In this event, your physician will not be liable.

Root Canal Treatments
The visible part of the tooth above the gum is called the crown, and the invisible part embedded in the bone is called the root. The number of roots for each type of tooth varies. It is a soft center of both the crown and the root that gives the tooth vitality is known as the dental pulp, also commonly referred to as the nerve of the tooth. Endodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with the diseases and treatment of the pulp. Endodontic therapy is popularly known as root canal therapy.
Endodontic treatment (i.e., root canal treatment) treats deep caries and inflammation and traumas in the pulp due to fractures and cracks in the teeth. In pulpitis, the infection manifests in the form of redness or swelling around the tooth, sensitivity to chewing, and long-lasting pain after hot or cold. The purpose of canal treatment is to preserve the tooth and its function in the mouth in patients with these symptoms and to prevent the need for an implant or dental bridge.
Stages of a Root Canal Treatment
1. Local anesthesia of the tooth and surrounding tissues,
2. Removing the decay and the infected pulp to clear root canals,
3. Measuring root canal length with an apex locator and radiography,
4. Root-canal shaping with manual and rotary files,
5. Flushing the root canal with disinfectants to remove any microorganisms,
6. Filling root canals and restoring the crown.
Root Canal Treatment Success Rate
The success rate in root canal treatment depends on the amount of tissue remaining after the decay is removed, the pressure exerted during chewing, selection of the correct restoration after root canal treatment, and even oral hygiene. Technologic advances have increased the success rate of root canal treatment to 90-95%, provided that the treatment is performed correctly and for the right indications. It should be noted that root canal treatment is the final treatment option before tooth extraction, and there is always a risk of complications that may be beyond the skill of the physician.
Endodontic Treatments Offered in Our Clinic
• Treatment of damaged pulp (direct or indirect pulp capping and vital amputation),
• Root canal treatments,
• Endodontic treatment of traumatized teeth,
• Root canal retreatment, correction of problems from the previous treatment,
• Restoration of endodontically treated teeth (post and core),
• Endodontic treatment for continued root formation and apical closure (apexogenesis and apexification),
• Endodontic surgery,
• Whitening of endodontically treated teeth,